The official launch of the Charles Eze Development Foundation held on the 6th of October, 2023


The Charles Eze Development Foundation is an NGO focused on children and youth development with competence in technology, experience in child education, sustainability, AgriSTEM, and human rights advocacy. The organization has a reputation in creating opportunities for children and youths through special skills set trainings and capacity
building. It has pioneered the establishment of many young people in education and business services.

The event drew a diverse and enthusiastic audience, including stakeholders, community leaders, and individuals interested in the organization’s mission. The launch of the Charles Eze Development Foundation marks the beginning of a new era in addressing critical societal issues in education, technology innovation, youth development, human rights advocacy, health awareness, agriculture, and sustainabillity.

The launch had Professor Uwakwe Abugu, a professor of law at the University of Abuja as the Key Note Speaker. He highlighted the importance of the work that CED undertakes in the society pointing to how such efforts hold the pillars of hope, economic growth and self fulfillment among the youth generations in society. He enjoined stakeholders to join hands CED to ensure the scaling of its good work.

The event received extensive media coverage, with local and international media outlets reporting on the establishment of the Charles Eze Development Foundation and its commitment to social change.


In today’s rapidly changing world, individuals and communities face numerous challenges. Many lack access to quality education, the tools necessary for technological innovation, and the resources to develop themselves. Youth often find themselves struggling to navigate an increasingly complex and competitive environment, while human rights issues, health disparities, and environmental crises persist. The Charles Eze Development Foundation recognizes these challenges and is dedicated to providing holistic solutions.

The event began with a welcome address from the foundation’s Director of Programs, Ms Ifeoma Adegbe. She welcomed and thanked everyone for honoring the invitation to join the ceremony. She emphasized the importance of education, technology innovation, youth development, human rights advocacy, health awareness, and environmental sustainability in creating a better future for all, especially young people. Ms. Adegbe stated that the NGO’s vision and mandates were anchored on those highlighted pillars of development.

Mision & Vision

The mission and vision of the CEDs Foundation are as follows:

  • To empower the next generation of leaders through human and socio-capital development
  • To become – champions of community development, economic growth drivers, and human rights advocates.
  • To empower individuals and communities
  • To build a sustainable and inclusive future. The organization envisions a world where all individuals have access to education, technology, and opportunities for personal growth, where human rights are upheld and advocated for, and where people live in harmony with their environment.

The overarching goal of the CED Foundation is to empower individuals and communities to become agents of positive change by providing them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources. The foundation seeks to create a better future by focusing on six key areas: education, technology innovation, youth development, human rights advocacy, health awareness, and environmental sustainability.

Key Activities

Registered in Nigeria by the Corporate Affairs Commission – CAC and certified by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.

The organization plans to execute its mission through a range of activities, including focus group discussions, educational workshops, mentorship programs, technology innovation initiatives, conferences, leadership programs, human rights advocacy campaigns, health education, and environmental sustainability projects.

The Foundation relies on the support and collaboration of various stakeholders, including individuals, corporate partners, government bodies, educational institutions, and like-minded NGOs. It is through these partnerships that the organization can maximize its impact and reach.

The highlight of the launch was the founder’s speech and inspiration behind the establishment of the foundation.

Charles Obinna Eze is the founder and Executive Director of the Charles Eze Development Foundation, as an engineer, and information technology professional with over sixteen years of experience leading and managing diverse teams, the audience was thrilled when they listened to his speech, particularly in his words “growing up I always envisioned how kids around me could grow up to become what they desired to become. For some, this dream came to pass, while others could not make it beyond elementary education due to poverty. He further narrated how some kids become orphaned at an early age, some lost their lives to hit-and-run vehicles while hawking in an effort to raise financial support for their household.” The founder also shared some of his personal experience as an undergraduate and young lecturer in a tertiary institution, stating that many students struggle to pay their school fees and ultimately risk dropping out. He retriated in his belief that if young people are developed, equipped, and empowered they will be able to navigate life with less struggle and can even see themselves through tertiary institutions. These challenges amongst many others and the need to address them birthed the inspiration behind the Charles Eze Development Foundation.

The Charles Eze Development Foundation will collaborate with governments to develop and implement policies and programs that promote education, technology innovation, youth development, human rights advocacy, health awareness, and environmental sustainability. Other forms of collaboration will involve philanthropic organizations and other civil society organizations to raise awareness of these issues and to mobilize resources to address them. The event ended with a cocktail and networking, with attendees getting the opportunity to exchange views with team members of the NGO.

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